
'Eternit' Process Judgment

Considered the sentence issued by the Italian supreme Court which has overruled the first degree and Appeal Court’s decision in the ‘Eternit’ trial, EARA onlus joins the chorus of strong protests raising against a decision which, according to the Supreme Court’s prosecutor “… serves the Law but not Justice.”

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EARA's activities carried out during years 2013-14, a brief synopsis

The European Asbestos Risks Association (EARA) onlus is a non-profit organization founded January 9th, 2008 in Trieste. Among its main goals there is an information system network spread over a territory including Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Slovenia, Istria and Gorski-Kotar Counties in Croatia, with a view on cross-border policies aimed to pursue – through a

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Asbestos and its harmful effects on health and the environment

Mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014 il presidente Tomatis e l’ing. Renzo Simoni della SCPSAL-ASS n. 1 sono stati ricevuti presso la Commissione Ambiente e Sanità del Parlamento croato a Zagabria in una sessione congiunta per discutere sull’amianto e sui suoi effetti negativi sulla salute e sull’ambiente.On Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 President Tomatis and Eng. Renzo Simoni (Department for Prevention and Safety in Workplaces, Trieste) have been received by the Committee for Environment and Health of the Croatian Parliament in Zagreb, in a joint session to discuss about asbestos and its negative effects on health and the environment…

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