Educational seminar ‘Asbestos’ for fifth grade students of High School ISIS Nautico ‘Tomaso di Savoia’, Friday, December 6. The speaker was engineer Giorgio Sclip from the University of Trieste. Present at ‘J. Ressel’ lecture hall circa forty pupils from the courses for sea captains, machinists, shipbuilders, aeronautics and logistics officers. EARA board member Livio Postogna, who was absent for strictly personal reasons, delegated secretary assistant, Sergio Sghedoni, to represent the association. Sghedoni introduced the speaker after a brief welcome address by Prof. Lorenzo Trevisan, teacher at ‘Nautico’.
Show ‘Amianto senza confini (Asbestos without borders)’, performed at High School ‘Paolo Sarpi’ Auditorium in San Vito al Tagliamento (Pn), starring Giustina Testa, directed by Lorenzo Zuffi, on Thursday, November 21. One hundred students and more enrolled in mechanics, technical assistance and electronics courses watxhed the show. ‘Amianto senza confini (Asbestos without borders)’ is for middle and high schools, and is co-produced by Teatrobàndus and EARA. Greetings by HS ‘Sarpi’ headmistress, Prof. Laura Mior, and EARA vice-president, Luigi Gaspardo.
Participation to RAI FVG radio programme ‘Sconfinamenti’, Tuesday, October 29, by EARA board member Livio Postogna, accompanied by secretary assistant Sergio Sghedoni. ‘Sconfinamenti’ is a historical radio program of RAI FVG and Radio Koper/Capodistria headquarters, broadcasted from 4.00 to 4.45 p.m., hosted by Martina Callegarin and directed by Massimo Gobessi. Main theme of the discussion with Ms Callegarin, asbestos and the various problems related to it.
Educational seminar on asbestos, speaker Dr. Tullio Poian of Sanitary Department ASU FC, and presentation of the book ‘La cjase de justitie pierdude’, by Donata Milazzi, in Udine, at ‘A. Malignani’ Technical Institute, on Thursday, May 23. Speaker for the didactic/scientific part, Dr. Tullio Poian, interim director of Prevention and Safety at Work of ASU FC. Brief institutional greetings to the participants from didactic director of the ‘Malignani’, Prof. Oliviero Barbieri, and EARA’s president, Marusic.
April XXVIII Cup – First football memorial ‘Oscar Juren’ for veterans, played at the KD-CC ‘Skala’ sports ground in Gabria (GO). A match between the teams of Sovodnje and Poggio Terza Armata, the winner of the contest. Event organized by EARA in cooperation with Associazione Esposti Amianto Sez. Monfalcone OdV. Institutional greetings by Edoardo Sambo (president of KD-CC ‘Skala’), Albano Marusic (EARA’s president), Diego Dotto (secretary of AeA Sez. Monfalcone OdV), Bojan Goljevšček (president of Zveza SABS Nova Gorica) and senator Tatjana Rojc (Partito Democratico / Demokratska Stranka).
Presentation of the book in Friulian language ‘La cjase de justitie pierdude (The House of Lost Justice)’, by Donata Milazzi, held on Wednesday, April 3, at the ‘D. Bassi’ municipal conference hall, in Gorizia. Speeches by the municipal assessor for minority languages, Maurizio Negro, and ARLeF’s president, Eros Cisilino, for the Festa de Patrie dal Friûl. The ‘encore’ of the Gorizia event took place at Monfalcone’s Municipal Library on Saturday, April 13, attended by the mayor, Anna Maria Cisint, town assessor for the environment, Prof. Sabina Cauci, and the president of ArLeF (Regional Bureau for Friulian language), Eros Cisilino, and EARA, Albano Marusic.
III Seminar ‘Asbestos, medical, labour and environmental problems’, held on Thursday, February 29, at ‘Luigi Galvani’ Technical Institute in Trieste. As speakers, Giorgio Sclip of the University of Trieste, Dr Paola De Michieli, UCO Medicina del Lavoro/Labour Medicine Trieste and, for EARA, member and writer Donata Milazzi, who brought greetings from President Marusic and the board, then briefly presenting her beautiful book ‘La casa della Giustizia perduta’ (The House of Lost Justice). Moderator, Sergio Sghedoni, EARA secretary assistant.
II Educational seminar ‘Asbestos, medical, labour and environmental problems’, held on Friday, February 16, under the patronage of Pordenone and Cordenons municipalities, at the Auditorium Concordia in Pordenone. Almost five hundred students from High Schools IISS ‘Mattiussi – Pertini’, whose classrooms are adjacent to the theatre, and IPSIA ‘Zanussi’ were present. Welcome greetings by EARA’s Vice President, Luigi Gaspardo and two assessors, Tirelli (Municipality of Pordenone, Environment) and Netto (Municipality of Cordenons, Public Works), followed by speakers, Eng. Giorgio Sclip of the University of Trieste for the technical part (mineralogy, use over the years, reclamation methods and legislation), and Dr. Claudia Luisa D’Alessandro, PSAL – AS FO manager, for the medical-scientific part.
Educational seminar ‘Asbestos, an unsolved problem’, in cooperation with the ‘Kathleen Foreman Casali’ Foundation. Performance of ‘Asbestos without borders’ show, starring Giustina Testa, followed by lectio magistralis of Eng. Giorgio Sclip, University of Trieste. Thursday, November 23rd , Technical institute ‘A. Volta’, Trieste. Organization by Secretary and Treasurer Renato Milazzi, who represented the association, addressing greetings to the seminar’s audience.
Educational seminar ‘Asbestos: Medical, Labour and Environmental Problems’, under the patronage of Pordenone and Cordenons municipalities. Speakers: Eng. Giorgio Sclip, University of Trieste, and Dr. Claudia L. D’Alessandro, PSAL (Prevention and Safety at Labour) – AS FO (Sanitary Department of Western Friuli). Over 480 students and teachers from Technical institutes ‘J.F. Kennedy’ and ‘Mattiussi’, and the ‘Maiorana’ Scientific High School attended. Thursday, November 16th , Auditorium ‘Concordia’, Pordenone. Vice President Luigi Gaspardo organised the event and represented the association, addressing a greeting to the seminar’s audience, together with municipal assessors for Environment Mr. Tirelli (Pordenone) and Ms. Scalon (Cordenons), and public works Eng. Netto (Cordenons).
Performance of the Slovenian-language show ‘Azbest brez meja – Asbestos without borders’, starring Elena Husu, directed by Sabrina Morena and in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre – SSG. Greetings to the audience delivered by Giorgio Kupfersin on behalf of Senator Tatjana Rojc, by the assessor for Environment and deputy mayor of the Municipality of Duino Aurisina, Mitja Petelin, and by the president of EARA, Albano Marusic. In attendance were about a hundred students from Technical Institutes ‘Zois’ and ‘Stefan’ of Trieste. Thursday, November 9th , Kulturni Dom – SSG, via Petronio 4, Trieste.
18th World Day for Asbestos Victims, XXVIII April Cup – II Memorial ‘P. Hikel’. Football rematch between Technical Institutes ‘A. Volta’ and ‘J. Stefan’, won by the former 4 to 2. Institutional greetings by Senator Tatjana Rojc (PD), President of ANMIL (National Association of Disabled and Invalids) Trieste, Mr. Alberto Chiandotto, and EARA board member Livio Postogna, by proxy of President Marusic. Friday, April 28th , Sports ground ‘Visintin’ of S.S. San Giovanni 1941 in Trieste.
On Thursday, October 20th , the didactic seminar ‘Asbestos: how to deal with it’ took place at Technical High School ‘A. Volta’ in Trieste, attended by 206 spectators, mostly students from the third and fourth classes of the construction and plant engineering courses accompanied by their teachers. The event was moderated by historian Sergio Sghedoni, who presented the show ‘Asbestos without Borders’ and lectio magistralis to the audience, giving the floor for greetings to the institutional representatives in the persons of headmistress Prof. Maria Rita Esposito, INAIL FVG regional director Dr. Angela Forlani, and the president and secretary of NGO EARA, Marusic and Milazzi, the latter a former student of THS ‘Volta’. Prof. Francesco Russo, vice president of the Regional Council, intervened for a brief speech on behalf of the regional administration.
With regard to the show and lectio magistralis, the head of the technical office, Mr. Sorina, pointed out above all the great attention paid by the students to the performance of actress Giustina Testa, who was greeted – at the end – by a real ovation. Finally, Mr Sclip’s lecture was fluent, clear and exhaustive. Unfortunately, for reasons of time constraints, he was forced to summarize a few explanations on topics that would have deserved a more in-depth examination.
As suggested by journalist Laura Buccarella of local broadcaster Telequattro, EARA took part in an interview on the seminar and on the asbestos theme, on Wednesday, October 26th , at 1 pm, with the participation of secretary Milazzi accompanied by historian Sghedoni. Buccarella’s interview was the right chance to hold a concluding press conference on the Seminar ‘Asbestos: how to deal with it’, analyzing impressions, expectations and results. Milazzi also took stock of the situation regarding the status quo on the reclamation, removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials, with the unresolved problem of the temporary closure of Porcia’s landfill, while Sghedoni provided some data on the influx of users, from the outbreak of SARS – Covid2 pandemic to date, at the EARA Asbestos Infopoint Ospedale Maggiore in Trieste.
The XXVIII April Cup is a cultural and sporting event in its first edition organised by EARA in cooperation with the Municipality of Trieste and S.S. San Giovanni Calcio. This trophy is dedicated to the victims of asbestos and in memory of one of EARA’s founding members, Paolo Hikel, a former consul of the Trieste Port Company who died in August 2015 from pleural mesothelioma, the serious tumour linked to exposure to asbestos, material – as is well known – that is extremely dangerous to health and present in the activities of the Julian port, not only in some structures but also as goods, which were loaded and unloaded from ships in transit. Paolo Hikel was an amateur footballer and played for A.S.D. Primorje 1924 of Prosecco/Contovello. The XXVIII April Cup took place on the morning of Thursday, April 28th , with an 11-a-side football match at the municipal sports ground ‘Visintin’ in San Giovanni: preceded, at 9.30 am, by a press conference, at 10 am the match between the student teams of the Italian- and Slovenian-speaking technical institutes ‘J. Stefan’ and ‘A. Volta’ began, all on the occasion of the 17th World Day for Asbestos Victims. In attendance was the municipal assessor for culture and sport, Mr. Giorgio Rossi.
The Slovenian-language one-hour play ‘Azbest brez meja’ (Asbestos without Borders), with actress Elena Husu directed by Sabrina Morena, was staged on the morning of Friday April 8th at the ‘F. Preseren’ municipal theatre in Bagnoli della Rosandra/Boljunec, attended by about a hundred students from the junior high schools of Dolina/San Dorligo della Valle, the Trieste district of San Giacomo, and Erpelle (Hrpelje – SLO), accompanied by their teachers.
The event was opened by assessor for culture of the Municipality of Dolina, Franka Žerjal, who addressed a cordial greeting from her administration to the present. She was followed by the vice-president, Albano Marusic, who spoke about the association’s activities and the asbestos problem in its various facets.
Tuesday, December 14th , V Annual Information Meeting on ‘Asbestos’, in collaboration with trade union SPI-CGIL, at Municipal Conference Hall ‘G. Millo’, Muggia, from 10 to 11.30 a.m. Speakers, Donata Milazzi (EARA), author of the book ‘La casa della Giustizia perduta’ (The house of lost justice); Stefano Borini, representative in the Regional Commission for Asbestos FVG; Mrs. Anna Muran, PSAL ASUGI of Trieste. Moderator, Giovanni Menegazzi (EARA). Other minor speakers: Giuliano Folchini (UIL Pensionati), Pasquale Turco (Asbestos Infopoint user), Giorgio Mauro (Association ‘Cuore Amico’) and Nicola Dal Magro (SPI-CGIL Muggia).
Tuesday, December 7th , presentation of video ‘Asbestos without borders’ by Sabrina Morena and of book ‘La casa della giustizia perduta’ (The house of lost justice), at class V section D of Nautical Institute ‘Tomaso di Savoia’ in Trieste. Speakers: Prof. Lorenzo Trevisan, and EARA members Renato and Donata Milazzi, author of the book.
Wednesday, November 24th , public meeting at Circolo ‘Falisca’ in Servola (Ts), subject health surveillance carried out by ASUGI for exposed people with asbestos disease and affected by sars-covid2. Event organized by EARA in collaboration with trade union SPI-CGIL Domio, moderated by member and manager of Asbestos Infopoint Muggia, Giovanni Menegazzi.
Thursday September 2nd , participation of EARA secretary and treasurer Renato Milazzi and member Giovanni Menegazzi in the programme ‘Trieste in diretta’ aired in the mid-afternoon and conducted by journalist Gianluca Paladin on the topic ‘The Asbestos Infopoints of Trieste and Muggia’.
Tuesday, June 15th, Academic Seminar ‘Asbestos’, online from 3 to 6 pm in cooperation with the University of Trieste – Safety Sector; FirEst Trieste; AIFOS – Italian Association of Safety Trainers and Operators; Occupational Medicine Trieste. Moderator, Giorgio Sclip, trainer and safety expert; Prof. Francesca Larese Fillon, Rector’s delegate for quality of working environments and conditions, health and safety; Albano Marusic, EARA Vice President, and safety expert; Renzo Simoni, S.S. Igiene Tecnica del Lavoro S.C. Prevention and Safety of Workplaces; EARA member and writer Donata Milazzi and her father Renato with their testimonies from the book “La casa della Giustizia perduta”; Prof. Corrado Negro, Occupational Medicine and competent doctor for the University of Trieste.
Friday, April 16th , interview with member and writer Donata Milazzi, author of the book ‘La casa della Giustizia perduta’ during RAI FVG radio programme ‘Sconfinamenti’, conductor Massimo Gobessi.
Wednesday, April 28th , XVI World Day for Asbestos Victims, joint press release issued in the morning by the three asbestos associations based in the region (EARA, AeA FVG and AeA ‘Amianto mai più’). In the afternoon, participation of President Tomatis together with his counterpart Cuscunà, in the usual ceremony organised by AeA ‘Amianto mai più’ in memory of the victims of asbestos at the memorial in Piazzetta Cristoforo Colombo, Panzano di Monfalcone.
Thursday, March 25th, participation of President Tomatis to the national broadcast of Radio ANMIL entitled ‘Speciale amianto’ with an account of his experiences in the association, both at local and European level, the history, the results obtained and the mission set. Moderator: Dr Giuseppe D’Ercole, national trade union CISL.
Thursday, March 18th , from 11 am, online press conference to present video ‘Asbestos without borders’, produced in collaboration with ‘Miela’/Bonawentura Theatre, directed by Antonio Giacomin and with an introduction by EARA’s president Paolo Tomatis.
Year 2020 was unfortunately characterized by Covid-19 virus pandemic emergency, as a result of which, in compliance with decrees issued by the Council of Ministers Presidency, it was impossible to organize almost all the activities planned by the association, starting with World Day for Asbestos Victims, with seminars for students in technical institutes and high schools, conferences and itinerant information meetings, concluding with the presentation of the book ‘La casa della Giustizia perduta’ (The House of Lost Justice) by member Donata Milazzi, and the performance of the show ‘Amianto senza confini’ (Asbestos without Borders) by Sabrina Morena.
It was therefore unanimously decided to set up a documentary/audiovisual, introduced by President Paolo Tomatis, on asbestos and related issues. The filming, which was completed in December in collaboration with ‘Miela’ theater in Trieste and Health management for Prevention and Safety on Workplaces, features an interview with Mr. Renzo Simoni, head of Technical Occupational Hygiene, by historian and essayist Sergio Sghedoni; the show ‘Amianto senza confini’ (Asbestos without Borders) starring actress Giustina Testa; and finally, a ‘family’ presentation of the book ‘La casa della Giustizia perduta’ (The House of Lost Justice), with a conversation between the author, Donata Milazzi, and her father Renato, who was exposed to asbestos after a long working experience at FMSA and Grandi Motori Machine Factories in Trieste.
Lastly, assistance to citizens on environmental, social security and health issues was guaranteed, both personally and online, albeit with some difficulties due to the aforementioned pandemic emergency, with the Amianto Infopoints at Ospedale Maggiore TS and in Muggia, the latter in collaboration with trade union SPI-CGIL.
IV Information meeting for users of Asbestos Infopoint and the population of Muggia. Wednesday, December 11, at Trade Union SPI-CGIL seat in via Mazzini 3.
Conference ‘Asbestos, what to do’, at ‘D. Bassi’ Hall in Gorizia. Saturday, November 30; event organized by Firemen Trade Union CONAPO in collaboration with EARA and Prefecture of Gorizia / Government Territorial office for prevention and safety campaign SicuriAmo 2020.
Performance of the show ‘Asbestos without borders’, starring Giustina Testa. Thursday, November 21, event organized in collaboration with Open People’s University of Buje (Croatia).
Conference on ‘Security at home’ at ‘D. Bassi’ Hall in Gorizia. Saturday, November 16, event organized by Firemen Trade Union CONAPO union in collaboration with EARA and the Prefecture of Gorizia / Government Territorial office for prevention and safety campaign SicuriAmo 2020.
Conference on “Safety at work and in schools: asbestos, an enemy among us”, at ‘Sandro Pertini’ High School of Monfalcone. Friday, November 15, in collaboration with n. 2 ‘Isontina – Bassa Friulana’.
VII ‘Asbestos’ educational seminar and presentation of ‘The house of lost justice’, book by Donata Milazzi. Tuesday, November 12, at Nautical Institute ‘Tomaso di Savoia’ in Trieste; speaker for Department for Prevention, Eng. Renzo Simoni.
Press conference for the presentation of access data to asbestos Infopoints and EARA activities for 2019. Monday, November 11, Ospedale Maggiore Trieste; speakers for EARA, President Tomatis and Secretary Milazzi.
Official opening of the new Asbestos Infopoint in Servola (Ts). Wednesday, July 17, at Circolo ‘G. Canciani’.
PreSSIL, a conference on ‘Prevention of health, safety and hygiene at work’. Wednesday, June 26 in Gorizia at CA.RI.GO. Foundation, in collaboration with the Prefecture of Gorizia / Government Territorial office.
Press conference for the presentation of the new Asbestos Infopoint in Servola. Wednesday, June 19, in collaboration with Trade Union SPI-CGIL Trieste and Circolo ‘G. Canciani ‘. Interviews with President Tomatis and member Menegazzi.
Asbestos Infopoint Banquet in Muggia, Piazza della Repubblica, Thursday, June 13. Referents for the public, counsellor Postogna and member Menegazzi.
Press conference for the presentation of Asbestos Infopoint Banquet in Muggia. Wednesday, June 12, in collaboration with Trade Union SPI-CGIL. Interviews with President Tomatis and member Menegazzi.
XIV World Day for Asbestos Victims, Piazzetta C. Colombo in Panzano di Monfalcone. Sunday, April 28, in collaboration with AeA ‘Asbestos never again’ and ANMIL Gorizia. Present for EARA, President Tomatis, Vice President Marusic, Secretary Milazzi and counsellor Postogna.
VII Energy Conference on the Island of Krk – VII Energetska Konferencija otoka Krka, EUKI – European Climate Initiative. Speakers for EARA, president Paolo Tomatis and secretariat assistant Sergio Sghedoni, on: ‘Why it is necessary to remove all asbestos from roofs before installing solar panels’. December 15, Velika Vijecnica Grada Krka – Auditorium of the Municipal Council of Krk, Croatia.
III Public Information meeting at Asbestos Infopoint Muggia, in collaboration with Trade Union SPI CGIL. Speeches by Giovanni Menegazzi (Asbestos Coordination Muggia), Michele Piga (CGIL Provincial Secretary), Stefano Borini (SPI Domio) and Sergio Sghedoni (EARA onlus). December 12, SPI CGIL headquarters in Muggia, via G. Mazzini 3.
Symposium ‘Safe and healthy work – Varno in zdravo delo’. Speakers for EARA onlus, president Paolo Tomatis, the director of the CRUA Monfalcone dr. Paolo Barbina and Eng. Flavio Gabrielcig of the Regional Directorate for Environment and Energy. November 15, Regional Chamber of Crafts and Small Business, Ajdovščina – SLO, in collaboration with Ing. Stanko Ožbolt (ZDVIS) and SPEA Service srl. Gorizia.
EARA onlus – GCP / Studio Frisani Firenze Press Conference for the presentation of data on access to Asbestos Infopoint at Ospedale Maggiore in Trieste and related activities, two years after its opening to the public. October 23, participation of journalists Umberto Bosazzi (Telequattro) and Valentina Sancin (Primorski Dnevnik). Phone interviews with Ugo Salvini (‘Il Piccolo’) and Francesca Terranova (GRR Rai FVG). Pictures by Photo Damjan, for courtesy of Primorski Dnevnik – Uredništvo v Trstu.
Participation to the 5th National Conference ‘Asbestos and Environment’, Villa Hera, Capo Milazzo (Me) on September 20 and 21. Speakers for EARA onlus, president Paolo Tomatis and counsellor Albano Marusic, on “Asbestos and related pathologies in Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia”.
Asbestos Infopoint Banquets, in collaboration with Municipality of Muggia and SPI-CGIL. Piazza della Repubblica, Muggia (Ts), June 14th and September 27th . Present for EARA, counsellor Livio Postogna and member Giovanni Menegazzi, head of local Asbestos Coordination.
XIII World Day for victims of asbestos, in collaboration with Municipality of Monfalcone, ANMIL Gorizia and AeA ‘Amianto mai piu’. Ceremony held on April 28th at the Monument in Piazzetta Cristoforo Colombo in Panzano. Present for EARA, Vice President Elena Sai, secretary Renato Milazzi, counsellor Albano Marusic and member Donata Milazzi, as well as a delegation of Zveza SABS Nova Gorica (SLO) led by secretary Ivan Blatnik.
IV Regional Convention ‘Asbestos, the state of art. Environment, justice, health’. Sala ‘Tessitori’, Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piazza G. Oberdan 5, Trieste, March 22nd . Speakers, dr. Edoardo Bai (Legambiente – ISDE Italy, former consultant of local Magistracy for Servola Steel Industry/Ferriera di Servola) and Ezio Gallori, trade unionist among the first ones to raise, at national level, asbestos cases in State Railway company. Speech by Lawyer Moretti, for Frisani Law Firm in Florence, on the delicate issue of money compensation and limitation periods concerning civil processes on asbestos.
Press conference on January 9th on the 10th Anniversary of EARA’s establishment. Speakers, Renato Milazzi (Secretary), Giovanni Menegazzi (Asbestos Coordination Muggia), Paolo Barbina (CRUA Monfalcone) and Silvia Malandrin (GCP / Frisani Law Firm, Florence). Final speech by Renzo Simoni (PSAL / ASUITs). Sala ‘Tessitori’, Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piazza G. Oberdan 5, Trieste.
II Public information meeting on asbestos and related issues. Speakers: Giovanni Menegazzi (Coordinamento Amianto Muggia), Sergio Sghedoni (EARA onlus) and Michele Piga (Local Secretary of trade union NCCdL-CGIL). December 13th , Muggia, headquarters of SPI-CGIL.
III International Conference on Sustainable Development of the Island of Krk, speaker for EARA, president Paolo Tomatis, on “Asbestos: presence, detection and other relevant issues”. October 28th , Hotel ‘Beli Kamik’, Njivice – HR, conference room.
II International Conference on Sustainable Development of Gorski Kotar, speaker for EARA , Sergio Sghedoni, on “How and why asbestos should be removed”. September 29th , Local Developement Agency PINS d.o.o., Skrad – HR.
“Asbestos? No, thanks! A day with young people in memory of Duilio Castelli”, in collaboration with AeA Amianto mai più/Asbestos never again, Monfalcone. September 22nd , show “Asbestos Without Borders”, starring Giustina Testa, direction by Sabrina Morena; book presentation “La casa della giustizia perduta/The House of Lost Justice”, by Donata Milazzi, curator Susanna Moscardini. Theater ‘San Pio X’, Staranzano (Go).
XII World Day for the Victims of Asbestos. Presentation of Donata Milazzi’s book ‘”La casa della giustizia perduta/The House of Lost Justice” (Santi Ed.), curator S. Moscardini. April 28th , Trieste, ‘B. Bazlen ‘ conference hall, Palace Gopcevich, and Monfalcone, hall of the Municipal council. Greeting speeches from the Environment Assessor of the Municipality of Trieste Mrs. Luisa Polli, and the Mayor of Monfalcone, Anna Maria Cisint.
Legal and social security conference for exposed to asbestos, speakers lawyer Frisani (Rimborsopensioni.it) and Dr. Malandrin (GCP Florence), introduced by EARA secretary Renato Milazzi. February 18th, Sala Oceania, Shipping Station Congress Centre of Trieste.
Italian-Croatian Meeting/international round table on asbestos from the environmental protection point of view in the countries belonging to former Yugoslavia. March 7th , Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka (HR).
Public Banquet of Asbestos Infopoint, in collaboration with trade union SPI-CGIL, the Asbestos Coordination in Muggia and Televita Company. July 7th , Republic Square in Muggia.
Press conference for the opening of Asbestos Infopoint, September 6th, Ospedale Maggiore of Trieste.
Informative meeting for local authorities on “Remediation, decontamination and good practices for the management of asbestos waste”, in cooperation with ‘Friulana Ambientale’ of Codroipo (Ud). December 15th , Conference hall in Hotel Santin, Pordenone.
Informative public meeting, in collaboration with Asbestos Coordination in Muggia, to analize the situation of one-year Asbestos Infopoint activity. December 28th , headquarters of SPI-CGIL trade union, Muggia.
X World Day for Asbestos Victims, 28 April 2015. Performance of ‘Asbestos without Borders’, directed by Sabrina Morena, with Giustina Testa. Following, VI Seminar ‘Asbestos, an unsolved issue. Best practices for workplace safety, environmental remediation and waste management’, speaker Mr. Renzo Simoni, Trieste, at high school ‘A. Volta’.
Performance of ‘Asbestos without Borders’, directed by Sabrina Morena, with Giustina Testa, May 27, 2015. High school ‘G.Randaccio’ in Monfalcone.
Conference on ‘Asbestos, a trans-bordering issue. Health, environment, laws and social security’, June 29, 2015. Villa Coronini Cromberg, Gorizia.
Press conference and inauguration of ‘Asbestos Infopoint‘ in Muggia (Trieste), November 25, 2015, in collaboration with local section of CGIL Trade Union.
Hearing at the Committee for Environment and Health of the Croatian Parliament (Sabor) in Zagreb in a joint session to discuss asbestos and its negative effects, following invitation by Mr. Branko Bačić, president of the Sabor, January 29, 2014. Auditorium hall “Josip Šokčević”.
III Conference ‘Asbestos, state of the art’, February 21, 2014 in Pordenone at the auditorium hall of the Provincial Council. For students of secondary schools.
IX World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 28, 2014, at the Blue hall in collaboration with the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Health Commission, Trieste.
Conference on ‘The Life’s end of Asbestos’, May 6, 2014, at the Public Library in Monfalcone.
V Seminar for high school students ‘Asbestos, an unsolved issue’, November 12, 2014 at Institute ‘Vendramini’ in Pordenone.
Conference on ‘A national attorney for asbestos and other environmental hazards’, January 19, 2013, ‘Oceania’ Hall at Shipping Station of Trieste. With the participation of dr. Raffaele Guariniello, Deputy DA of Turin in the historic 2012 Trial against the ‘Eternit’ Factory’s management of Casale Monferrato.
Press conference organized by the Municipality’s Department for Environment of Monfalcone, in collaboration with EARA on the new Communitary programming 2014-20 and interventions in environmental compatibility. March 27, 2013.
Second performance of the show ‘Asbestos without borders’, May 10, 2013 at the auditorium of High School ‘B. E.Vendramini’ in Pordenone, attended by over one hundred and fifty students from four different gymnasiums.
Meeting with the mayor of Udine, prof. Furio Honsell, the Head of Department for Health and Social Security, Mrs. Simona Liguori, of the City of Udine, and EARA’s delegation. September 13, 2013 at Palazzo D’Aronco, the town hall of Udine.
Public Forum on the construction of a new Coal plant in Plomin, Croatia. Cultural Center ‘Kuc Lamparna’, seat of Art Xpress XXI Labin, in collaboration with EARA and Eko Kvarner Njivice, December 14, 2013.
Seminar on ‘Strengthening the immunitary system of people’, in collaboration with Trade union Zveza SABS, December 20, 2013, at the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Crafts in Nova Gorica (SLO), for students of secondary schools, with a report of Dr. Alenka Kafol, allergist and pneumologist. Second performance in Slovenian of ‘Azbest brez meja – Asbestos without borders’, theater show by Sabrina Morena, with Nikla Petruška Panizon, and in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre in Trieste.
II Conference on ‘Asbestos, state of the art. Health and environment, prevention and remediation’, February 17, 2012 in Udine at the amphitheater hall of University Hospital. In the afternoon, Round Table on ‘Research on mesothelioma: possible coordination for a common project?’
First performance of the show ‘Asbestos without borders’, directed by Sabrina Morena with the contribution of the Municipality of Trieste, in collaboration with the Regional Education Board and Teatrobàndus, February 28, 2012, at the Main Hall of High School ‘Carducci-Dante’.
International Press Conference for the World Day for Safety and Health at Work and the World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 26, 2012 at Zveza SABS seat in Solkan. In the evening, at the Knights Hall of Dobrovo’s Castle, presentation of the project ”Living healthier and longer in the Municipality of Brda”, speaker Prof. Dr. Irena Jerič (Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo, Nova Gorica). First performance in Slovenian of ‘Azbest brez meja – Asbestos without borders’, theater show by Sabrina Morena, with Primož Forte, and in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre in Trieste.
VII World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 28, 2012 in Panzano (Monfalcone), in collaboration with the local Asbestos exposed workers (AeA ‘Amianto mai più’ NGO).
Presentation of the VI World Day for Asbestos Victims, March 14, 2011, with press conference held at the Human Rights Center in Zagreb (Croatia).
Presentation of the book ‘I am the shipyard – no more Asbestos’, edited by Corinna Michelin and Tiziano Pizzamiglio, April 19, 2011. Conference Hall of the Medical Association in Trieste.
International Press Conference on VI World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 22, 2011 in Solkan (Slovenia) at Zveza SABS’s seat (Slovenian asbestos exposed workers Trade Union).
VI World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 28, 2011 in Vranjic (Croatia). Dr. Manuel Sarrazin, a member of the Green Party at the German Bundestag, took part to the event.
Public meeting in Rupa (Matulji, Croatia), June 7, 2011, on a serious problem of health and environmental pollution related to a landfill in Slovenia which stocks not only civil but also asbestos waste products, near to the towns of Šapjane and Jelšane.
III Seminar ‘Asbestos, an unsolved issue’, October 25, 2011, at High School ‘S. Pertini’ in Monfalcone.
“Places of Memory. Work and asbestos “, December 14, 2011, for students from high schools of Trieste, guided by an expert on a vintage bus to visit workplaces where asbestos was unfortunately present, such as the Old Port of Trieste.
First edition of the Conference “Asbestos, the state of art. Environment and Health”, February 13, 2010 in collaboration with ANCI and Federsanità-AICCRE of Friuli Venezia Giulia, ‘Oceania’ Hall at Shipping Station of Trieste.
V World Day for Asbestos Victims and International Day for Safety and Health in workplaces, April 28, 2010. Conference Room of the Chamber of Commerce and Crafts in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, with the presentation of the new multilingual EARAnews magazine.
II Seminar ‘Asbestos, an unsolved issue’, October 19, 2010 in collaboration with Prevention and Safety Work Environments (SCPSAL) and the Regional Education Board, Lecture Hall of High School ‘G. Galilei-E. Fermi-N. Pacassi’ in Gorizia.
Presentation of the documentary ‘2018, Death will come. Asbestos in the body. Everyone knew it except workers’, by Giuliano Bugani and Salvo Lucchese, with photographs of Massimiliano Valentini. March 6, 2009 at ‘Tessitori’ Hall of the Regional Council in Trieste.
IV World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 28, 2009 in Croatia, Kostrena (Rijeka) at the Reading Room of Santa Barbara’s church, close to the polluting oil refinery of Urinj. The Day was preceded by a press conference held on April 27 at the Regional Council in Trieste.
Press conference on social protection of the Italian maritime sector workers, October 7, 2009 at ‘Tessitori’ Hall of the Regional Council in Trieste.
First edition of Seminar for students ‘Asbestos, an unsolved issue’, November 17, 2009 at ‘Tessitori’ Hall of the Regional Council in Trieste.
Official presentation of EARA in Italy, January 9, 2008 with press conference held at ‘Tessitori’ Hall of the Regional Council in Trieste.
Official presentation of EARA in Slovenia, April 25, 2008 with press conference held in Nova Gorica.
III World Day for Asbestos Victims, April 28, 2008 in Ljubljana, Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, with official commemoration of asbestos victims.