The annual M.A. is summoned for Thursday, March 12th , 2015 at 7:00 am on first call and second call at 10.30 am at Eko Kvarner’s seat in Njivice (Island of Krk Croatia), Primorska 10 (as established by EARA’s social statute, art. nr. 8), with the following agenda :
1 ) Appointment of President and Secretary of the Assembly;
2 ) Check of powers;
3 ) Moral, technical and financial reports of the president, with reading and approving of the financial statements: final budget (2014) and new budget (2015);
4 ) Approval of final and new budgets;
5 ) Examination of the associative activities program for the current year, and approval;
6 ) Internal members reorganization;
7 ) Co-opting of new members;
8 ) Other.
The ordinary session will be followed by an extraordinary session with the following agenda:
1 ) Reading and approval of new organic internal rules, and consequent resolutions.
Paolo Tomatis,